Thursday, October 22, 2015


"We will love.
no punchline.
no fancy statements.
no perfect structures.
we will love."
—  Beau Sia, excerpt from “Reverse Engineering”


"Where is this love? I can't see it, I can't touch it. I can't feel it. I can hear it. I can hear some words, but I can't do anything with your easy words."

23 October 2015

Away From You

I think of thoughts
that cannot be, 
no hand can reach
across this sea,
the seasons change
on distant shores,
from frosty skies 
to sunshine blue,
as summer's touch
undresses you -

Reminding me 
of all the things
I often wish,
but cannot do.

-Michael Faudet

Sunday, September 20, 2015


It always good be careful who you entrust your heart to. Call it fussy, picky or whatever, who cares. But don't be reckless, don't be foolish. Be sure to know what you want, and that its not just to fill up that empty feeling temporarily. People hurt, people have feelings. Gotta learn your lessons. Cause when you give your heart to someone, you are giving them the freedom to crush it whenever, or to embrace it. You're letting that person into your life and be a part of it. It may be just for a short time, or for a really really long time. But still, its sorta almost everything in you. When you give, give it all, otherwise, I think it's better not to give at all.
- 6:01pm 25 october 14'

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Florida, Orlando 2015

The last time I visited the States, I was 2 years old and it was here where I bought my first pair of roller blades. Thats all I can remember other than looking at pictures and going, "oh thats me?? I've been there??" Coming back after 20 over years feels... it was definitely an eye-opener and I definitely enjoyed myself alot more, or so I think.  

It was just pizza, sandwiches, steaks all day, everyday. I was craving chinese food so badly and even if there was a Chinese restaurant, it wasn't authentic Chinese food.  I mean, give me pasta, steak once in awhile and I thoroughly enjoy it but I still am a rice-soup-dishes girl after all. I was brought up that way!

I actually couldnt believe when I found a MLP booth at Universal studios???! Like whaattttt. And someone asked me if I was a Brony. I actually had to google to find out what it meant. : /

Came and conquered! Do not judge me and you probably wont believe it, but I am a roller-coaster junkie after my dad put my on a roller-coaster in Korea when I was in primary school. I was hooked right after and I learnt that, it was indeed true when my dad told me it was less scary if you opened your eyes. Lesson 101: Always listen to your daddy.  They know better. From then on, whenever I was at any roller coaster, I would get on no matter how scared I was. I will always tell myself, if I dont sit this now, I might never have the chance to sit it again. #YOLO mentality indeed, Tricia.

Honestly, I am not very sure who Julie Andrews is, but I just decided such a picture would be nice. #tumblrworthy? ;) 

My ride, beats any Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati! 

This lobster roll at Disney world was the BOMB.  

Orlando has terrible weather. It would ran all of a sudden for one hour and it would be sunny the next moment. We had to purchase these 10USD (??!) raincoats but we definitely made full use of it during the trip. Money well spent. Makes an awesome #ootd picture too right??! And when it rains, of course you go indoors and buy souvenirs. 

Just me, being, well, me. 

 "People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason the world is in chaos is because things are being loved and people are being used." 

Till the next time~
Currently listening to ~ 

"Love is like a narcotic. At first it brings the euphoria of complete surrender. The next day, you want more. The next day, you want more. You're not addicted yet, but you like the sensation, and you think you can control things. You think about the person you love for two minutes, and forget them for three hours. But then you get used to that person, and you begin to be completely dependant on them. Now you think about him for three hours and forget him for two minutes. If he's not there, you feel like an addict who cant get a fix. And just as addicts steals and humiliate themselves to get what they need, you're willing to do anything for love."  
- Paulo Coelho, By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

They say you can tell a person's character by how he treats someone who can do nothing for him. Now I really think you can make a pretty good judgement about someone from that alone. Do you just treat someone cause you can get something out of that someone/that person has "uses"? Damnit, if you treat someone nicely, you do it cause you want to, from the bottom of your heart and you do not expect anything out of it. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Roadtrip 0.2

"Sometimes, I think of the sun and moon as lovers who rarely meet, always chase, and almost miss one another. But once in awhile, they do catch up, and they kiss, and the world stares in awe of their eclipse."

Monday, July 27, 2015


Sometimes your mind gets too clouded with what you want to believe and this whole imaginary image of how you would like things to be. But like when a thunderstorm is over, suddenly there is a rainbow and everything once again becomes clear to you. Or maybe it might take awhile, but the rainbow will come.

Hmm, its like having myopia, having your glasses taken away from you for a long time. You cant seem to find your way around, feel lost, use your hands to try to grope around and try to find something familiar to hold on to, but in vain. You start crying and crying but this long maze seems never-ending. Till you suddenly get lasik (yes, I am totally random), and everything is crystal clear. Too clear that you have a hard time taking everything, reality, in. You might even get too overwhelmed and start crying, but this time, tears of joy. You start seeing everything as it is. And damn, you've been blinded all this while. Thanks to the eye doctor who gave you Lasik (*hehehe)

But you know, as I've always believed, everything happens for a reason. You may hate it now, but one day, you'll look back and understand why. You might even start laughing at yourself for being such a joke.

A blessing in disguise, that's what people call it.

27 July 2015

When was the last time I was here? Gosh, its been ages. I guess I sorta "grew out" of the whole blogging thing. I mean, I never considered myself a blogger, so I don't really see the need to come and blog regularly just to maintain the daily hits or whatever.

This whole social media thing was never a "job" to me. Its more of a bonus I could say? If I get a sponsorship/email, YAY. If I dont, I am not gonna end up in one corner and cry my eyeballs out. I mean, if people email me nowadays and I get sponsorships, I mean, hell why not? It doesnt hurt, I get free stuffs. Who doesnt want free stuffs? 

I never ever attend events. I dont want to. Sometimes, I actually feel bad for not replying emails. To me, its tiring. Believe it or not, I hate to mingle. Social talks and all, I suck at it and hate it. I find it a chore. Coming up with small talks and all, I've never been that kind of person. I would go to one corner, be an awkward turtle and just pretend to be busy with my phone. I mean, I am sure everyone is in one way or another guilty or that? But of course, its a total different story when I am with my close friends. I am like a, hyena? A wild parrot that will never shut up.

Yes, I update my instagram VERY often. But I mean cmon, I LOVE taking photos, especially photoshoots. I get a sense of satisfaction when I see a nice photo taken. I'm one of the instagram-slaves. Instagram for me, is like a short picture time-line of my life, happy moments captured down.

I mean, a few years ago, my answers/actions had been different. I was young and immature. That I wont deny. But now, I know what I want out of my life. Social media is not what I want to do as a job. The politics and all is way too much. It all looks good on the surface. Inside, not too sure. Too competitive, too scary. I have my dreams/ambitions which I am trying to work hard for. I do what I want, post what I want. I care more about who out of my friends liked my photos and not the number of likes. Whats the point of getting hundreds, thousands of likes, if the people you care about doesn't like your photo? Whats the point if you got so many followers but have no actual real friends??

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Some visuals from the roadtrip over the weekend before study week started. 
Missing those carefree days~