Saturday, November 29, 2014


Did this outdoor shoot a really really long time ago but never had the chance to post the pictures cause, well, I've been terribly lazy. Since I am free now… Btw, if you are guessing it, this was shot at Ikea Tampines for @Shopfabfad. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Daniel Wellington #OOTD

I'm currently a proud owner of not just one, but two Daniel Wellington watches. And my journey with these watches have been nothing short of awesome.

The latest addition to my collection is this baby, the Classy Sheffield in Silver. 

Was going for a minimal simplistic look (think black, white and simple) that day and what better accessories to match my outfit than my Daniel Wellington watch. Don't get me wrong though, the watch does not only compliment the "minimal simplistic" look. It is actually so versatile, definitely suitable for even as a everyday watch.

My outfit details that day, in the pictures above. ^ 

My DW watch has become a part of my everyday life, an essential.  I feel that its always important to keep track of time. Sometimes we get too busy and distracted, we lose track of how time is ticking away and how once gone, it will never come back. 

Do check out the official Daniel Wellington website for other designs. And if you love DW timepieces as much as I do, just letting you know that they offer free shipping worldwide. :) 

Check out my previous two blogposts here and here

Till the next time~

Sunday, November 9, 2014

09 November

Mini Updates:

1. Exams are here and I'm sick. Exams and me just don't go well together.
2. Discovered the awesome Golden Gaytime and now I know why everyone loves it so much. No more mars bar ice cream for me!
3. Miss my dogs a lot, nothing new actually.
4. Everyone's graduating this year. I wish I was too. :(
5. Cooked steamed egg with rice for dinner two days consecutively. #ilovemyrice
6. Its almost the end of the year. I don't even feel like Christmas is coming.
7. 2014 wasn't as fantastic as I wished it would be. Kinda disappointing. Very disappointing.