Thursday, March 27, 2014

Rain, rain, go away.

According to the weather reports, it's gonna raining non stop for the next few days. And there's even gonna thunder and lightning. Yucks. 

The thunder and lightning here is just way more scary than the ones in Singapore. Well or perhaps it's just some psychological thing. Cause I know I'm not at home. And cause the winds are so strong, sometimes an umbrella isn't of much use either. And once in a awhile, you can hear the ambulance sirens which makes me shudder, knowing that something awful is happening to someone out there. 

And of course I get reminded of Zara who is such a scaredy cat and how I have to drag myself out of bed cause I know she will be waiting for me to go comfort her and hug her. Else the poor doggy will be hiding in one corner shivering. That makes me sad.

So cause it's so inconvenient to go out, I usually miss my classes on these rainydays. It's so cold and my feet. My poor feet is always icy, and that feeling is horrible. So I just snuggle in my bed, wrapping my blanket around me with my pillows surrounding me. Hoping that I ll fall asleep and when I wake up the rain is gone. 

Of course the rain makes you feel ultra lonely too. So I ll play some music to accompany me. Luckily my mom is with me this time so it's okay. And I always end up eating ice-cream in bed. Hahahhaha. Idk whats with me and ice cream these days. 

I am such a scaredy cat at times too. 

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