Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Oh well, what could I say. I honestly think I am a really boring person with a not so interesting life, except certain times where there is too much drama. I mean, you can't really judge my life based on what I choose to show. Cmon, we know that everything looks good on instagram, social media. But behind those, things may be slightly different. I am not complaining about my life though. I just think that there are some amendments that need to be made to make it more fulfilling. At this moment, I just think its dull, kind of meaningless, lack of purpose. 

I am definitely not the cool kind of girl. 

I am not the kind of girl who watches soccer matches/basketball/idk-what-else-there-is with their boyfriends and cheer loudly or actually even know whats going in a game. I don't even watch television, goodness. I have no idea whats going on, what channels are showing what programs. I hardly go to the movies these days. I don't do sports. Or more like, I've never been the sporty kind. I ll probably just end up getting my legs tangled up and making a fool of myself. I've got extremely poor psychomotor skills. So I can't co-ordinate my limbs well. I don't play computer games, or playstation. Please, I have problems even figuring out the control and getting used to it. I don't play musical instruments anymore. I got a grade 1 piano, and lousy grade organ which I barely passed for all. I took up tennis lessons in primary school, puked on the first lesson and never had the courage to go back. Going out with new people, I take super long to warm up or I''ll just sit in a corner and not mingle. I don't like to socialise around. I don't like making new friends. I rather hang out the same old few people. I always believed in quality over quantity. On most occasions, I ll just whip up my phone and start scrolling through my apps to look busy. I mean thats the easiest thing to do right. 

I seem to be living in a world of my own. Full of denial and escapism. 

I mean, what are the things I do? Eat, sleep, laugh, talk, shop, use my phone, go to school. Oh come on, Tricia. Oh and I procrastinate and complain. And Instagram, post stupid same old selfies.

Is that what my life is about? Is this it??? 
If it is, thats sad. 

Owells, what can I say. Just not the kind of girl that guys fall in love with?

So hold on, while I start doing something about it.


  1. hello Tricia, it's been a while since i visited ur blog! anyways, i think everyone has their own uniqueness/ attractiveness?, which most of us may not know so cheer up! and omg u're way too pretty I bet guys are all over youu hehe.

    Fan girl from Malaysia :D

  2. Hi Tricia, I've followed you on Instagram for a few months now, but I've only just started reading your blog. I find that I can really identify with many things that you say. For example, I've never been the cool girl either and tried changing myself to become like one, but in the end, a person loses one's sense of self if they deviate too much from who they are at the core. I would think that taking small steps such as being more sociable would make a great difference already in the long run. And like the commenter before me, I find you are an extremely attractive girl, you probably have a lot of guys interested in you (albeit mostly looks at first), but I guess that's how guys work, and you just need to pick and choose carefully. :) All the best!
