Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Short Update

    Its been ages since I visited this space of mine, there were many times I typed words but yet somehow never ever clicked on the "publish" button. Its mostly bits and pieces of thoughts from here, there and everywhere. But never ever a proper post. Or perhaps I just rather keep these thoughts to myself, hide them inside me. 

      Life has been pretty mundane for me, definitely less fancy, less colourful. But somehow I am just choosing to let things be, preferring to let things be as they are and continuing to wait. Wait for what? I don't know. I don't know what life has in store for me next, so we'll see how it goes. For now, I am just slacking away, waking up everyday and just seeing what plans there are for me every day. I wonder how long this is gonna last, I kinda wish this whole "i don't know where I am heading to" phase will stop. But then again, would I be able to handle everything that comes charging my way if there was a change? 

      Time is passing way too quickly for my liking and literally in a blink of an eye, its July. Wow, did half a year just go by like that? What have I done this half year I ask myself. Nothing? A lot of things? Mehh, I can't be too sure I liked this year or when I look back on 31 dec 2014, will I look back wishing time would come to a standstill or wishing 2015 would hurry come, for a new brand new start ahead.

       Oh what am I ranting about now? These words don't even seem to make sense. 

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