Wednesday, June 25, 2014

22nd Birthday Celebration

To be honest, I've never celebrated my birthday without my family before in my whole entire life and this year, when I learnt that I was going to be ALL ALONE in brisbane and that my birthday was in the middle of my exams, I was superrrrrrrrrr sad and moody. The day before, I was already kinda all teary and whinyyyyy, complaining on the phone non-stop to my poor mother. So minutes before 12 midnight on my birthday itself, I was cooped up in my room, dressed in my pjs and whining on the phone to my mom when... MY FRIENDS BURST INTO MY ROOM wishing me Happy Birthday??! I was super shocked that I couldnt stop screaming and all I did was continue to hide under my blanket. -.- yes, whats wrong with me? Then the first thing my friends said was "are u dressed decently??!?" Hahahahhaha. And I even had TWO cakes to blow! Apparently, one was partly from my mother! My mother had been contacting my friend here and secretly planned this surprise for me. Awww, I was super touched cause I didnt expect my friends to come surprise me??! OMGGGG. 

Im super grateful to God for sending these angels into my life! (*ps you know who you are, especially the one sitting next to me reading this now and laughing non stop.) 

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