Wednesday, July 23, 2014

22 Aug 2014

There are many phases in our lives and at different phases, and in this different phases we would have different wants and needs. Say for example, during poly days I used to think that guys who wore red wings were super cool yet now, I kinda go "urghh yucks" at the sight of guys wearing them? Even these days when I look at a picture of an outfit I wore a few days back, I would cringe and wonder why I even chose that outfit. Hahah kinda funny looking back though. You start laughing at your choices and decisions, wondering why you even did that. Yet at that point in time, it was everything you wanted or could care about. I guess its really true that time does "heal" everything, even if its not a wound. So for now, I can only wish that two/three/four months down the road, I will look back and laugh at myself for being so silly. 

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