Sunday, May 25, 2014


25th May 2014 

Knitwear from Wonderstellar
Necklace from Shop6by6
Top from H&M 
Shoes from Topshop 

Today something suddenly got into me and I decided to head down to Coles to grab some groceries to cook pasta! I have never been a fan of western food, always preferred my chinese and japanese food. But I always felt that pasta was way easier to cook, or perhaps its cause I seldom even try to cook chinese food. Cause you just need to boil the spaghetti and heat up the pasta sauce. But I definitely put in more effort for this pasta meal and added in other ingredients! Sent it to the family group chat and everyone was praising me. Teehee. Happy that I can make my parents proud! :) Maybe I shall cook for them when i get back? But I always say that but never do so. 

Sighhh, I miss home cooked food, I miss home. :( 

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