Wednesday, May 21, 2014

22 May 2014

Sometimes I gotta keep reminding myself that life is made up of moments. Moments of impact, as quoted by the Vow which I have watched 5 times till date. *no judging please* I have to constantly remind myself that I almost went to a different school, almost had a different group of friends, almost died in a car accident, almost ended up in a different country. Yet here I am, being where I am and facing the consequences of these moments. Our lives which is so called "defined" "fixed" are actually highly dependant on these moments that could have led to something totally different to what we have now. Happenstance, thats what they call it. These moments which are only made up of a few seconds, yet have the ability to change one's entire life. You gotta be really careful of them. Cause some of them are irreversible. 


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