Sunday, April 13, 2014

Happiness Level VS Time Spa

Sometimes I actually have felt bad about being happy. For me, I have this "theory. Yes, another one of those weird "theories" of mine. 

I am actually more worried, or equally worried when I am happy as compared to when I am upset. How dumb is that you may think?? I actually have this thinking that there is sort of a balance of everything. If I am happy for one week, does that mean that I'll have to experience another week of being upset? The amount of time I am happy and the amount of happiness are somehow correlated to the amount of sadness in the future and its time span. 

And when I get happy, I start to worry about when this happiness is gonna get taken away from me. Snatched away. Then I'll be back to square one. But as the saying, carpe diem. I shall just enjoy the moment when I am happy I guess? 

And if I continue to think like that, even if its not true, will it actually happen. Ahhh, the power of the mind. 

I am such a thinker. Sometimes, I actually hate thinking so much. It kind of kills my brain. Scorches it and fries it up.

Till the next time~

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