Thursday, January 31, 2013

1 Februrary 2013

I remember doing "To Kill A Mocking Bird" for literature in secondary school. I did full geography and half literature for humanities in secondary school. I was never a history person and despite loving the subject literature, I never had even confidence in my english language to take that as a full humanities. Well I guess studying literature kinda influenced how I view things? I start to read things into depth, or too much depth you might say. I start looking out for hidden or double meanings. I start reading too much into things. Its as if conversations with people are poems/books which I have to analyse during literature classes. But then again, I remember that I always enjoyed literature lessons in school. Plus, it was always held in the lecture theatres which were the only "classrooms" with airconditions.

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. -To Kill A Mocking Bird

22 more days. Let the countdown begin. 

sometimes skulls are thick,
sometimes hearts are vacant,
sometimes words don't work.
- James Frey

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