Monday, September 30, 2013

Dreaming, yet again.

I was just thinking and I realised that I actually enjoy being lazy. If you knew me close enough, you would know that I am beyond lazy. I am actually lazy to the point of not wanting to walk to the nearby bread shop to buy breakfast for the next day despite knowing that I would be hungry the next day. Simply because of one reason: "Lazy laaaa." Hahahhahaha. 

Well I guess there's the good kind and the bad kind of lazy. In this case, the kind of lazy I enjoy being is refering to the good kind. 

The kind of lazy saturdays, spent lying in bed. Be it catching up on a good ready, or watching a movie you downloaded illegally (oops.), it doesn't really matter. The kind of days you're in your most comfortable outfit, bed head, listening to your favourite music. Just hanging around. The days where you have no worries, no assignments due, just doing what you enjoy, carefree and happy. Its a good way to sum up the week that you spent pulling your hair out, stressed on this and that. If only everyday could be like that. 

I want to live in a beach house someday along some deserted beach that not much people have yet to discover. Still untouched and raw. Waking up to the beautiful sunrise over the horizon, looking at ships out there and imagining what would happen if the world was square. Where were the ships headed to? Who lived on those ships? Pirates? White wooden porch, rattan chairs. Hee, perfect! Drinking blueberry tea, trying to pretend to be those English ladies in the olden times but of course, failing to do so. Doesn't need to be those fine chinaware. In fact, the more chipped the cups the better. Shows honesty. But if there were to be a thnderstorm, it would be hella scary. But who cares, I ll just snuggle in bed and sleep the storm away, waking up to another beautiful sunrise. 


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