Welcome to my makeshift room in this land faraway from home.
Hahahhaha despite it being crazily messy most of the time, I actually gotta admit I pretty much love this makeshift room of mine. Its where I feel the safest in the whole of australia, and where I feel most safe. With pictures/memories stuck all over the room, I can't help but get attached to it over awhile.
This is where I spend most of my time in, missing my home back in singapore, crying once in awhile, yet this is where I can be myself and its the place where each and every item is chosen by me and means something. Hate it or love it, I am gonna enjoy every moment spent in this room.
Whenever my friends see my room they just go WHOAA.
(I'll like to believe its a positive kind of WHOAA.)
Summary of the different reactions:
1. Too messy.
2. Too many things.
3. "How are you going to bring back everything when you graduate???"
4. "This is crazy."
5. "This room is definitely yours." (Unicorns, random items everywhere, nail file in the middle of the room??, accessories, sweets, tidbits, junkfood, photos, etc.)
7. "OMG, IS THAT YOU??!"
8. "Where did you get this??!"
9. "Tricia ah, Tricia..."
*Btw, the pictures below are taken AFTER i had cleared and tidied my room. Teehee.
^ Had too many clothes and jackets so I got this rack at 9.90AUD (rough estimate) when I headed to Ikea. Plus I can't stand the wardrobe I was given cause its way too dark inside. By dark I mean, lack of light to see what I am digging for when I can't find a certain piece of clothing. Also, there were no shelves or anything. So I hang most of my thicker jackets and outer wear on this rack. The rest gets thrown in "the dark".
^ Some shoes below my rack yet to be worn thus they're in the room.
^ My favourite part of the room. Hahahahhah. Yes I am an absolute makeup junkie. I love mascaras, blushers, nail-polishes. I get a thrill and BIG sense of satisfaction looking at my expanding collection everyday. And the headbands above which I insisted on bringing over though I have no use for it at all.
^ This is a very redundant picture. But I just had to show-off my absolutely cute hello kitty extension plug I got in BKK. Judging by the number of wires I have under my table, I will not be surprised if I get electrocuted one day.
^ My bedddd! And cute ginormous unicorn and horsey. OZ do not sell bolsters!! I had to lugg my bolster over so my bolster is extremely precious to me.
^ Some of the bags I have here. (From left anticlockwise: Balenciaga, Alexander Wang, Topshop, Urban Orignals.)
^ Crazy toiletries. HAHAHHAHHAHA. I have more at the other corner btw.
End of my room tour. Hope you guys enjoyed and didn't go crazy.