Monday, April 1, 2013

1 April 2013.

Sometimes when you're feeling really awful, seeing nice food can really cheer you up. I get really happy when I see food and get all excited. Then I start ordering like crazy cause at that moment, I just feel like I can eat everything. And when the food comes, I'm even happier. But my stomach has a limit so my friends always end up having to help me finish. My friends always try and stop me from ordering too much or they don't let me order, but somehow, I always come up with some excuse and reasons plus whining and pleading and SOMETIMES, I get my way. 

Sweets, ice-cream, coke always has this way of cheering me up even on the worst days when I am crying non stop. I guess it helps you cause 1. when you're eating/drinking, you can't really cry if not you'll kinda choke 2. of the inner child in you. 3. you get distracted. 

My friends are always amazed at how much sweets I carry around with me and the variety. How I always order 100% at Koi, 125% at Gong Cha. (yes, I have an extremely sweet tooth) Then I always end up saying "Ya you better eat more sweets too, you need more sweetness in your life" then if I wanna be mean I'll add "no wonder you're so bitter". But you know whats the irony, the person telling them that is probably the person who needs the most sweetness in her life and less bitterness. How sad. 

For now, my face is just like the pie below. 
And I just wish this was all just a bad april fool's joke. 

God, please save me. I just surrender my whole life to you now. Please take it. I am so helpless and I don't know what to do anymore. 

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