I think these days, even a 6 year old kid knows what is love better than adults. I hate it when people go around saying "i love you" so often it loses its meaning. Some say it too quickly and too often. Do they know what it means? What is love to them? Don't say it if you don't mean it or know the meaning of it.
Studying pyschology can get pretty interesting I guess, at least for the lecture topics here. Last sem, I had a lecture on some sex thingy. This semester there's another one "Love and Attraction". I gotta admit that I was pretty interested in it at first but I kinda lost focus halfway and got bored. It seemed to me as if people were trying to get free love advice/consultation from my lecturer instead. I think he's gonna get more students emailing him after this lecture for "consultations" or those meetings. Honestly, it was pretty funny and there was this one girl who kept asking questions. I just kinda listened.
There are SIX kinds of love. (I'm only gonna mention those which I think are important and can still remember.)
1. Passionate love.
- I guess this one is the kind you see in movies like The Notebook etc. According to the lecture slides "all consuming emotionally, physically expressed". I was kinda wondering what the percentage of this kind of love happening. And it kind of got me thinking "so love = sex? no sex= less/no love?" Which of course I got pretty angry about and if you have been reading my blog for awhile, you should know its a pretty sensitive topic to me. I mean the lecture slides say "physically expressed". Im hoping its through actions? Like plucking flowers/weeds? Is it considered physical? Or maybe just a hug?
2. Game-playing love.
-AHH, this, I totally hate it. So according to the slides once again, its the kind you just want to win in the situation and ... (I FORGOT. SHIT.)
*- but anyway, I just hate it. So I guess by saying game-playing love it means playing mind games with the person or playing hard to get etc. Ya I hate those things. Mind-fucking they call it. Stupid stupid stupid. Dumb foolish, childish. But apparently, if you don't play mind games/ain't hard to get, the guys won't treasure you cause you'll be deemed as "easy to get" or "not a challenge". Guys are supposedly like those animals in the wild, I read. They like hunting, or "The Chase". So if you're a easy chase, they wont treasure you as much blah blah. But then, mind games are tiring and you get "mind-fucked". You go crazy and start reading too much into things. There may be double meanings to things and you start thinking "does he/she like me?" or "why is he/she doing this?". But I guess girls are the ones to get mind-fucked more cause we tend to think too much being girls and read too much into things. If you play mind games, IF you happen to get the guy, the guy may treasure you more. But if you play too much, the guy may just give up halfway. Then if you dont, you get mind-fucked and get hurt. Both ways, its wrong. WHAT NOW??
3. Logical Love
- This is the one where people are more realistic and pragmatic. They tend to focus more on whether the person is able to give you a comfortable life those sort of things. In this case, contentment in life > excitement. Prolly looking more at money etc. Or the stupid 5Cs.
*-HEY ANYWAY, just to those who are very into the 5Cs and think they are a must. You don't always have to rely on your other half to get it? Have some backbone/pride, work for it yourself. You don't need a guy to have those, you know that right? You're capable of owning all of that on your own and have a better sense of satisfaction from it.
*- And if you actually love a person cause of his money or what, do bear in mind that as much as how that fortune/money can disappear overnight, it also can be earned. If a person loves you enough, he'll probably work hard for both your future cause he wants to give you the best. Some things, money can't buy. As the usual goes, so what if you have all the best nicest bags/clothes/cars/houses but you go home to a "home" lack of warmth and love to a guy who may not love you. Whats the point?
4. Possessive Love
-Emotionally intense, filled with jealousy, dependancy
*- My thoughts on this: If your whole life revolves around one person, then won't it be pretty sad. You won't die without a guy.
*I think this was based in Australia*
20 Million in country.
10 Million of the opposite gender.
200,000 of the same values/interests.
40,000 who are attractive to you.
8,000 who likes you.
8 who you will meet.
4 who are single.
2 who want a long term r/s.

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