Saturday, December 15, 2012

15 December 2012

Its been such a long time since I last photobooth-ed. 

I kinda secretly miss australia despite saying how much I hate it there. Despite leading a boring life there with no photoshoots, partying and etc, I feel that I become a better person when I am there. Its like two different people. The Tricia in singapore and in australia. In australia, I am able to somewhat escape to a whole different world. A much simpler and carefree world. Coming back to singapore means coming back home to my family, but it also meant coming back to a past which I had always longed to forget. It meant coming back to a place filled with lots of complicated relationships and politics. Coming back to getting drunk and hangovers. Coming back to negative thoughts and feelings. It was much simple in australia somehow. Shops closed early, there was zero nightlife there for me. Here, I have to make hard decisions like going out to have fun and make my parents worry or stay home and sleep. Well, this isnt really the best example, but you kinda get what I mean. 

Plus, I blog more there and have more time to reflect. 

You would have seen it happen if you havent been looking somewhere else. 

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