We drove for a long long time. Almost an hour?
The drive along Changi was awesome. We were right next to the airport so we could see planes taking off or landing almost every few minutes. There was once, a plane was directly overhead us.
It also reminded me of how I was gonna be one of those planes soon. And that thought kinda made me feel really sad. There would be lots of different people on the planes. Happy ones, sad ones, ones without much emotions. The happy ones would be those returning home, going on a holiday, visiting a loved one, etc. The ones without emotions would be those that were indifferent, it didn't really matter where they were and just moved along as life's circumstances pushed them on. The sad ones would be those, leaving singapore, away from home or idk what else. I guess I happen to fall into the sad ones group.
Then, returning to the awesome car ride.
The radio was suddenly playing lots of nice songs that I enjoyed. It was awesome and all my worries flew away with the wind. Taadaahhh.

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