Wednesday, November 7, 2012

8 November 2012

"we were both just two kids trying to dance our way out of the mess created" 

Just finished both my criminology papers and I'm as happy as a lark cause i finally am over and done with it. thanks to the help of my friends who are extremely nice to encourage me to study all the time and never give up. their patience with me is A m a z i n g despite me always distracting them while their studying and me getting distracted while studying. Psychology papers next. 

Last night, I was studying with a friend and I got crazily hungry to a point I was getting really frustrated and angry. The reckless me called a taxi which drove us to Macdonalds (they call it maccas here but i refuse to conform) and back. The freaking taxi fare cost me 40+ bucks without including the cost of my meal. Heftiest price i've paid for a Macdonalds meal ever. mind you, I went to the nearest Macdonalds which was maybe two mrt stops away though there is no mrt but its just a gauge of distance. hahahahahahhaha but without out, I would have literally died of hunger. but it made me and my friend happy and full so i get its all worth it! :) 

in this case, i guess its referring to my moment of recklessness and hunger? 


//deciding or not whether to trust a person or not is like deciding whether or not to climb a tree, because you might get a wonderful view from the highest branch or you might simply get covered in sap. and for this reason, many people choose to spend their time alone and indoors where it is harder to get a splinter//

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